CRS Policy

At Aerocopter Group, we recognize our interconnectedness with the world and the impact of our operations on nature, people, values, and organizations. Our CSR policy reflects our commitment to our staff, customers, suppliers, stakeholders, communities, and the planet. We are dedicated to giving back and conserving the environment as it sustains us.
Aerocopter Group Ltd upholds the highest standards of ethics and professionalism. Our social responsibility spans compliance—adhering to laws and respecting community values—and proactiveness, which involves promoting human rights, supporting communities, and protecting the environment.
Compliance Legality
Our company will ● Respect the law ● Honor its internal policies ● Ensure that all its operations are legitimate ● Keep every partnership and collaboration open and transparent
Business ethics
We'll always conduct business with integrity and respect to human rights. We'll promote: ● Safety and fair dealing ● Respect toward the consumer ● Anti-bribery and anti-corruption practices
Our policy includes a summary of our efforts to reduce our impact on the environment, our approach to education our shared values as an organisation and how we support our staff both as employees and as individuals seeking to make a difference through fundraising and volunteer work.
Our goals will be updated annually and will reflect actions taken in the previous year and plans and targets for the forthcoming year.
Preserving the environment
We are committed to keeping our environment clean and unpolluted by:
Prioritizing environmental responsibility
through participation in recycling programmes and reafforestation initiatives.
Supporting energy saving
and conservation strategies by: • Implementation of renewable energy sources in our operations. • Encouraging staff to minimise use of office lights especially during daylight hours.
Supporting the reduction of pollution
and carbon footprint by: • Increase the use of reusable items (cups, bottles etc) by 50%. • Review the need to travel to meetings and events that can be successfully delivered virtually. • Review our value chain and transition to use of companies that environmentally responsible where possible.
Ensure distribution of work
in digitalised format to clients, colleagues, partners and not printing unless legally required.
Quality Education
Our company is built on the idea that the betterment of our staff is the betterment of our company. We plan to: • Create at least two internship opportunity for interested candidates • Provide each employee with at least one training opportunity to improve their job skills. • Promote health and wellbeing of staff through education on stress management and work-life balance.

Our company is committed to the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact and implementing them as part of our strategies, culture and day-day operations. Our policy is communicated at all levels by management.